Washington Heights Highlighter
A nice little piece from our neighborhood newspaper…
Read MoreNew Review by Foreword magazine!
Read MoreCelebrate 12.12.12!
We’re all part of the Squircle! Did you know December 12, 2012 it is the World Day of Interconnectedness? Celebrate with us at the Arts@Large art exhibition, Threads That Connect: Fiber Art
Read MoreArts@Large Artist Meet & Greet
I got the chance to share a booth with my husband at this year’s Arts@Large Artist Meet and Greet. It was a lot of fun reconnecting with artists I know
Read MoreAuthor Visits & Art Workshops!
It’s been so amazing giving my author presentations and leading art workshops in the beautiful gallery at Arts@Large, surrounded by all the artwork from Squircle! I’ve had a great time
Read MoreSkyberg’s Threads Connect Art & Community at Arts@Large – Shepherd Express Milwaukee
A nice article by Peggy Sue at the Shepherd Express – http://expressmilwaukee.com/blog-8866-skybergs-threads-connect-art-community-at-artsalar.html
Read MoreSquircle & Family Yoga at Haleybird Studios!
Join me and my dear friend and awesome yoga instructor, Haley, as she leads a family yoga session based on the concepts of Squircle! It’s going to be a
Read MoreThreads That Connect: Fiber Art & Community
What a beautiful opening reception! I had so much fun reconnecting with the teachers and the students that I worked with on this book project. The Arts@Large staff did a
Read MoreSkyberg’s Squircle teaches kids about interconnectedness – OnMilwaukee.com
Molly Snyder wrote a fabulous article about the book & exhibition! http://onmilwaukee.com/ent/articles/andreaskybergsquircle.html
Read MoreOrder a copy of Squircle today!
Squircle by Andrea Skyberg Have you ever lived in Now-A-Pillar Time? What’s a DuckFlap? And do you know how to Deerly Listen? Squircle follows a little girl named Evie who
Read MoreAn exhibition with all the artwork created for my new book, Squircle!
I’m so excited that Arts@Large will be showcasing the artwork that was created for the book, including many of the students appliqué banners as well as the large fabric murals!
Read MoreSquircle photo shoot
We went to Cory Albrectson’s studio tonight to shoot the photographs of all the murals and the smaller embroidered pieces. Here is a shot of me and my daughter, Evey
Read MoreWorking on my new book
I’ve really enjoyed working on the pages of Squircle. Most days (and nights!) this summer I’ve been in my studio listening to audio books while using my sewing machine to
Read MoreFinishing up the large murals for Squircle
Most days when I emerge from my studio I’m covered in little scraps of fabric that eventually molt off of me and scatter themselves around the rest of the house.
Read MoreSquircle murals in progress
Here are some photos of the progress of the squirrel mural for my book, Squircle. It starts off as a 5′ x 8′ piece of white felt. I draw the
Read MoreSquircle children’s book: Appliqué fabric murals
After writing my second book, Squircle, I thought a lot about how I could create the artwork to elaborate on the idea of interconnectedness, which is a main message in
Read MoreRagadoodles: : Masking tape dolls
Students created Ragadoodles (small dolls) out of masking tape and a other materials and created a small book that accompanies their Ragadoodle. These books used inventive words and figurative language
Read MoreImagination Running Wild: Animal Molas
School: St John the Evangelist 1st-4th grade students Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Students created Mola designs which were modeled after the Molas created by the Kuna Woman from Panama. Each student represented
Read MorePipsqueaks: Masking tape sculptures
School: St John the Evangelist 5th -8th grade students Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Students created Pipsqueak characters out of masking and duct tape, similarly to that of my children’s book, Snickeyfritz.
Read MoreThe Search for ‘I’ in Family: Altered Books
School: St John the Evangelist 5th -8th grade students Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Some families are created by blood, while others are created by choice or circumstance, in this project students created an family
Read MoreHealing Machine: Metal etchings & assemblage sculpture
School: Whitman School Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Inspired by outsider artist, Emery Blagdon, the 1-6th graders created a Healing Machine out of aluminum, found metal, wire and beads. Over the course of this project,
Read MoreDiversity Tree: Mixed media sculpture
School: Whitman Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg 1st – 6th grade students created an 8-foot tall Diversity Tree by covering a cardboard tube is paper cut profile portraits in the style
Read MoreTwo Heads Are Better Than One: Mask making
Schools: Whitman School & St John the Evangelist Educating Artist: Andrea skyberg Throughout the ages humans have used costume & masks to communicate ideas. Creating Big Heads modeled after
Read MoreHousing a Spirit: Face Jugs
School: Franklin High School Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Cooperating Teacher: Stacey Mercier Believing that humans have a spirit separate from their human body is a notion that has been around for as long
Read MoreGiants & Pipsqueaks: Masking tape sculptures
Organization: Next Door Foundation: Leaders of Tomorrow Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg The Leaders of Tomorrow (1st – 8th grade students) worked with me to create Pipsqueak characters out of masking
Read MoreIt’s Written All Over My Face: Paper pulp relief sculptures
School: Cooper School 1st Grade Students Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Cooperating Teachers: Roxanne Reszel & Katherine MacKenzie Funded by: Arts@Large Can your face tell a story without you even saying
Read MoreWings & Roots: The Unity of Spirit in the Arctic
Project: Milwaukee County Zoo Fantastic Forest of Holiday Trees School: Cooper Elementary Student Council Continent: Arctic Educating Artist: Andrea Skyberg Cooperating Teachers: Dawn Bigalk, Chris McCoy, Jackie Pollman Funded by: Arts@Large Inspired
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