Honorable Mention for Illustration at SCBWI Wisconsin Fall Conference
I just returned from the fall conference. This was my second year attending and it was amazing! I was so much in the moment that I didn’t take a single photo, which I’m definitely regretting now, but luckily I’m able to share a few that were taken by the SCBWI publicity coordinator Sandy Brehl. Here are my highlights—
Having lunch with Kekla Magoon and David LaRochelle at Benelux in Milwaukee before heading to the conference.
Seeing all the friends I met last year, including my fabulous roommate Amy Ward, and staying up way too late drinking wine and talking. I think we fell asleep mid sentence 🙂
Meeting many new friends. It’s so refreshing being immersed in a group of people who care as much about children’s books and art as I do.
Being dazzled by Andrea Tompa’s presentation, The Making of Ghetto Cowboy: An Inside Look at the Editorial Process. I learned so much about how she edits a book, which I know will advise my own revision process.

Capturing an abundance of quotes from Kekla Magoon’s presentation, Evasion of Privacy: A Series of Personal Questions. My favorite quote, which Kekla used but didn’t know where it came from was Authors are very private people who run around naked in public.
Playing for prizes, while learning about successful school visits at Christine Esser’s breakout session Cracking the School Visit Code.

Talking hairstyles, books, art, and getting feedback on my YA manuscript with Sharyn November.
Hanging out with Martha Rago and Amy Ward in our suite enjoying a glass of wine, while discussing portfolios, children’s books, Italy, and children.
Attending the Diversity Meeting and discussing how we can make our SCBWI chapter more inviting and inclusive to all writers and illustrators.
Winning an honorable mention for my cover illustration of A Heap of Hexagons, written by Patricia Lessie during the SCBWI-WI Illustrators Challenge. I’ll receive half off of my conference next year!