Andrea Skyberg


I could hear it

the sound of a heartbeat knocking against ribs

A light flutter of wings

A rustling

I knew it was there

Knew it was close

so I opened my vision and looked up

There are some things that are bottled like a message

And left in a river to find as a way to eventually be seen

There are some things that are buried like a time capsule

waiting to see a day in a better future

There are somethings that are lit afire

waiting for a full-bodied transformation

because the present form is unacceptable

But there are somethings that can’t be hidden

Some things exist on the outside of the skin

or right under the surface where they can’t hide themselves

These are pockets of authenticity 

refuse to be shamed

refuse to wait

refuse to transform

A pocketed knowing

living less like a secret

and more like a signal

a rustling

a knocking

A voice.

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