The Problem With Art
The problem with art
is there is no answer
It’s just a bag of questions
in a body of knowing
how not to know
In a world of needing to know
where the knowing comes from
and what its purpose is
The problem with art
is it fits between frames
not neatly in them
In a variety of frameworks
and when viewers look
they put it in the frame
of their own intention
and skew the meaning
What’s harmed is the judgement
That comes with critical eyes
and careless mouths
so that everyone knows
the outcome of making
is judgment
and that’s too much
to keep people from participating
The problem with art
Is that it’s as easy as breathing
and as cumbersome as death
and it lives in the space in between
Only the brave come to play
because to play you play without armor
and you’re almost certainly
get damaged in the process
and yet the reality is that
it’s the only way to heal