Andrea Skyberg


Plymouth Art Center exhibition

I featured some of my work in the exhibition Go Figure, organized by the Wisconsin Visual Artists and on display at the Plymouth Art Center. I was thrilled to have

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MKE Zine Fest 2024

We had a great time at Zine Fest this year! Alverno Art Ed students ran a table with great success. My family also decided to join in the fun and

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Opening at Wisconsin Biennial 2024

I attended the opening of the Wisconsin Biennial 2024 at the Museum of Wisconsin Art and was thrilled to have my work What We Carried: Resilience, Resistance, Survival on display.

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Lest We Forget

The Faculty exhibition Monologues recently opened at Alverno College, and I was able to showcase some new work, including Lest We Forget and Two Minutes of Silence. Lest We Forget

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In Shedding Fields

The house of growth can be the house of decay when it’s been abandoned to neglect and thoughtlessness But the earth will cradle it and soothe it eventually swallow it

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Those Who Serve

Those Who Serve was on exhibit at the Walker’s Point Center for the Arts Annual Member’s Show September 8 – October 7th. It was an exhibition with many different types

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I live in a house of women who all move in bodies of trauma and creation We’re walking paradoxes of the beginning and the end the destroyed and created the

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Milwaukee Zine Fest

Alverno was selected to table at Milwaukee Zine Fest. Over the course of the spring semester, five different classes across departments such as history, creative writing, education, art, and art

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Alverno Greenhouse Mural

Deeply Rooted & Reaching for the Light Greenhouse Community Mural During the Fall of 2022, multiple classes such as Form & Space, Creative Writing, and Healing Through Art & Activism

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What We Carried

We carried the weight as a reminder…
Birthing our collective pain into each generation.

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The Magic of Seeing

I could hear it
the sound of a heartbeat
knocking against ribs
a rustling
a knocking
A voice.

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Yesterday was Now and Wished it was Future, but Now is Now and Wishes it Were Yesterday

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Altered Book

Sinking to the Deep
You sink into me
soul wet with stars
and your purple navy deepens to black
and it’s in those moments
when I expand,
beyond the rooted ground
and into your endless sky

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The Problem With Art

The problem with art
Is that it’s as easy as breathing
and as cumbersome as death
and it lives in the space in between
Only the brave come to play…

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There will be many who crave
what you have to say
Like an addiction
like a sweet, savory
piece of truth

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I remember having a deep ache
Since I was little
for a story
that told me of my matriarchs
the greatest of grandmas
the holder of the seeds

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Explosion Book Art Journal

Why is no one shouting? 

The cage is still around us.
When we finally do raise our voice,
it’s to point out how our abusers are abused.

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I Was Everything

She painted me back to life
Under the sky of forever
And when she left, she told others of me
And they visited with reverence and peace
And I was not alone
And I was everything.

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The little bodies that used to live inside of mine
now walk without my padding
little hearts outside of their home…

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Set the Tone to Ease

Maybe it’s best not to hide
from it
Maybe that’s the point of fear
The point of feeling
Instead what if I bent down
let it sniff my hand
and warmed to it

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The Further We Reach, The Closer We See

Three of my pieces from the What She Carried series were selected for the MARN juried exhibition, ‘The Further We Reach, The Closer We See’.

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To.get.her. TO RISE UP. Together

During this time while we’ve been ‘Safer at Home,’ my oldest daughter Sky Greer and I have been collaborating on a bunch of stuff—music, writing, art. This week she illustrated

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How Language Shapes Our Views on Gender

This post is part of celebrating Women’s History month with 31 days of posts focused on improving the climate for social and gender equality in the children’s and teens’ literature

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The Animal Within Project

The Animal Within is a project in which students select an animal connected to their personality. Then they sculpt a large version of the head of that animal (which is

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Matthew Cordell’s Studio Tour

Today on Tuesday Tours we have the talented author and illustrator Matthew Cordell sharing his studio from just outside of Chicago. I love Matthew’s illustrations and I’m not the only one, as he’s the illustrator

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Honorable Mention in SCBWI-Wisconsin Illustration Contest

This year’s contest was to illustrate three scenes in a sequence using the prompt GAME ON! Art Director from Little Brown, Saho Fuji selected the winning illustrations, and I’m proud to say

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Mark & Meaning Project

Mark & Meaning is a project in which students experiment with creating original symbols. They reflect on two major milestones in their lives—one that happened in early childhood and one

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Marla Frazee’s Studio Tour

I’m beyond excited to have Marla Frazee visit Tuesday Tours today! I have been an admirer of Marla’s work since The Seven Silly Eaters (written by Mary Ann Hoberman) and Mrs. Biddlebox (written by

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Kate Messner’s Studio Tour

Today on Tuesday Tours I’m excited to share the writing room of Kate Messner, which overlooks Lake Champlain. Kate creates beautiful books written in multiple genres, and she also blogs on her website about a variety of topics. Some

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Lori Nichols Studio Tour

Today on Tuesday Tours I’m thrilled to have Lori Nichols join us and share her Alabama studio. Lori won the SCBWI New York Winter conference portfolio award in 2014, and since then, she’s published

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