Andrea Skyberg


You brought me on a trip

You said lets get away to see the desert

The mountains, and open sky

Then you drove me hard into the sand

Believing I would still carry you

Even in my discomfort

I was wrapped in grainy beauty

Sinking into the place you wanted for me

and when I was fully stuck

You left me there

All alone

You just walked away. 

And I sat under the starry skies

And the days passed overhead like clouds

And I waited for your return

But Instead others came

Climbed on me

Broke out my windows

And tore down my doors

Left me a skeleton

And I waited

Cause that was all I could do. 

Waited and waited and waited

Until I felt I was part of the desert, 

part of the mountains,

Part of the sky.

Then she came

Her bare feet tiptoeing over me

saying a prayer

To remind me of who I was before

She painted me back to life

Under the sky of forever

And when she left, she told others of me

And they visited with reverence and peace

And I was not alone

And I was everything.

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